- Index of new images
- Images from before 1900
- Images from 1900 to 1929
- Images from 1930 to 1949
- Images from 1950 to 1959
- Images from 1960 to 1969
- Images from 1970 to 1979
- Images from 1980 to 1989
- Images from 1990 to 1994
- Images from 1995 to 1999
- Images from 2000
- Art Images
- Portraits
- Outdoors
- Bodie Ghost Town
- Sumit Series
- Other Things
- Bodie Ghost Town, 2002
- The Bodie town site and buildings.
- Inside buildings.
- Exterior of the Conway house.
- Interior of the Conway house.
- Kayaking: 2002: Broken Group
- Getting started.
- Sea Stars.
- Camp on Gibralter
- Day 2: Gibralter to Clark Island.
- Day 3: The southwest islands.
- Day 4: Clark island
- Day 5: Willis Island
- Day 6: Effingham island.
- Day 7: Hand island.
- Buckindy - Snowfield Traverse
- Canyoneering in 7mile and Leprechaun, April 2003
- Carol's drawings
- Dark Canyon 2003, The Trip of Ancient Wonders.
- Packing and Travel
- Day 1: Sundance trail into Dark Canyon.
- Day 2: Bolder hopping to benches above the Colorado.
- Day 3: The Crux and the Cobra.
- Day 4: Midway to Bowdie canyon.
- Day 5: Layover in Bowdie canyon.
- Day 6: Ruins, Air strip, top of Lean To Canyon.
- Day 7: Down Lean To Canyon.
- Day 8: Back to Dark canyon and up the Sundance Trail.
- Day 9: Short walk back to car (for some of us).
- Reunion.
- Ancient Wonders we saw on this trip.
- Utah Escalante 2002
- Packing and Travel
- Our hike starts.
- The Gulch.
- Horse Canyon, Wolvereen Creek, and Little Death Hollow.
- Escalante South, March of 1998
- Family Pictures.
- Pictures my sister Kate sent me.
- Sailing the San Juans with my Mom and Sister in 1992 (??)
- Christmass in Austin, 1999.
- My parents, Carol Koonmen and Al Unger
- Early family pictures.
- Grandfather (maternal) and his house, where I spent a lot of time and a kid.
- Flight
- Flight Lessons
- Base and planes.
- Cross country trips.
- Instrument flight training.
- Long cross country flight.
- FlightSimulator flights
- Utah, near Dark Canyon
- North Cascades, Arlington to Stehekin.
- Seattle to Bellingham, IFR flight in bad weather.
- Utah: North along the San Rafael Swell from Hanksville to Greenriver.
- Utah, 2005
- Trip Down.
- Flying Utah
- Flying Lesson
- Blue John
- Post84
- The Swell
- Hidden Splendor
- Capitol Reef
- Boulder
- Flight Home.
- Utah, 2006
- Trip Down.
- Capitol Reef
- Opps
- Trip Back
- Friends of mine.
- Marie, my girlfriend
- My family.
- Andrew, who I've done many great trips with.
- Friends from climbing
- Friends from way back.
- Glacier Pk Traverse, June 2002
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Gods Pocket, 2005
- Long and Gravel Canyon, March 2004
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 6
- Home
- The house Marie and I now own.
- Exterior.
- Downstairs
- Upstairs
- Basement
- The neighborhood.
- The house Marie and I used to rent until November, 2002
- The office that we work in.
- Marie building her kayak.
- Office remodel.
- Dinner club.
- Crepes
- Boat work, Spring 2001
- Ingals Peak, June, 2002
- Overnight Ski trip to Jove Pk, February 15, 2003
- Ski in.
- Camp.
- Tim skiing.
- Andrew skiing.
- Ski out.
- Kayaking: 1999: Hakai
- Part 1: solo kayaking.
- Part 2: group paddling.
- Selection of Wendy's pictures.
- Kayaking: 2001: Esparanza, Bunsbies, Brooks Peninsula
- Lakes District, 2009
- Lakes District
- Summer Festival
- Mountains: Mountaineer's Mentor Group, 2000
- Rock climbing at Levenworth, April 14th
- Clark Mountain Extravaganza with the Mountaineer's mentor group.
- Skiing near Mt Baker, January 27-28
- Mountains: Mountaineer's Mentor Group, 2001
- Hinman-Daniel Extravaganza
- Mountains: Mountaineer's Mentor Group, 2002
- Rock climbing at Levenworth, April 19th.
- Cravasse rescue practice in our backyard
- Trips with our Mountaineer's mentor groups
- Mountains: Ptarmagin traverse, 1997
- Mountains: Summit Series
- Noatak River Expedition
- Map
- Pre-trip preparations
- Arrival at the Noatak headwaters.
- Hiking in Alaska
- The early days on the river.
- The middle of our time on the river.
- End of the river.
- Ourdoor persuits
- Photos Organized by Year
- Summit Series.
- Trips to Utah.
- Trips to the Sierras
- Trips in the Cascades
- Trips with our Mountaineer Mentor Groups.
- Water Trips.
- Outdoor trips, 1991 to 1994
- Redout High route with Richard and Steve, 1991 (I think).
- Tweedsmuir Park in British Columbia with Richard, 1991.
- Went to Utah in the fall of 1992 with Richard and Emily
- Sierra with Richard and Steve, 1993
- Outdoor trips, 1995 to 1998
- Summer of 1995,
- Climbing in Mexico and Cascades, Winter and spring of 1996
- Back in the cascades.
- Kristen and me in the Windrivers and Tetons, August, 1996
- Rober's Roost Canyons in Utah, March 1997
- Climbing in Peru, June, 1997
- Cascade climbs, summer 1997 through 1998
- Escalanti South, March of 1998
- Outdoor trips, 2000
- Skiing in the Tatoosh Range.
- Hiking the Dirty Devil river in Utah.
- Brief excursion into aid climbing.
- Kayaking In San Juan Islands, June, 2000
- Silverstar Mtn, Mountaineer's Basic Climb
- Clark Mountain Extravaganza with the Mountaineer's mentor group.
- Backcountry traverse in the Sequoia Park high country.
- Sailing in the Gulf Islands, New Years
- Outdoor trips, 2001
- Skiing near Mt Baker, January 27-28
- Skiing near Lake Janus, February 17-18
- My old Dana Teraplane backpack.
- Mount Maude's Entiate Ice fall, July 14th.
- Stuart North Ridge, July 24th, 2001
- Marie on Observation Rock. (all photos by Jeff Street)
- Marie and I try Del Campo
- Intermediate climb of Liberty Bell
- Outdoor trips, 2002
- Big Snow Mountain
- Mazama and sking at Washington Pass.
- Mt St Hellens with my mom
- Glacier Peak Traverse
- Outdoor trips, 2003
- Overnight trip to Jove Pk, 2/15/03
- Dark Canyon, March 20th.
- Canyoneering.
- San Rafael Swell with Post 84
- Outdoor trips, 2004
- Outdoor trips, 2005
- Outdoor trips, 2006
- Outdoor trips, 2007
- Western States Loop
- Avlord Desert
- Outdoor trips, 2008
- Paddling Cape Caution
- Hiking in the Sierras
- Outdoor trips, 2009
- Outdoor trips, 2010
- Post 84 Outtings
- Post 84, West Coast Vancouver Island Kayak, 2004
- Day 1, loading cars and driving to Toquart Bay
- Day 2: Paddle to Hand island and camp on Willis Island.
- Day 3: Paddle to Benson island, Blow hole, paddle round island.
- Day 4: Paddle around outter island. Visit blow hole. Whales.
- Day 5: Paddle to Faber islets, Gibralter, then camp on Dodd island.
- Day 6: Paddle to Lagon. Tiny Group for snorkling.
- Day 7: Paddle to Hand then back to Toquart Bay.
- Post 84, Utah 2003
- Post 84, Utah trip, April 2003
- Post 84, Utah 2004
- Post 84, Utah trip, April 2004
- Ding and Dang
- Goblin valley.
- Day three, Baptist Draw and upper Chute Canyons.
- Day Four, Move camp.
- Day Five: Blarny and Maiden Water canyons.
- Particpants
- Post 84, Utah 2005
- Post 84, Utah trip, April 2005
- Moab.
- Robers Roost Canyon, March, 1997
- Dirty Devil, Larry's canyon, Robbers Roost Canyon, March of 1997
- Sailing, 1994 through 2000
- San Juans, Gulf Islands, and Lisquati Island, 1994
- Grey Gull, 1997
- A few pictures from the troubled 1998 new years trip.
- Charter, June 1999
- Sailing in the Gulf Islands, New Years, 2000
- Sailing: 2001
- Sailing to the Gulf Islands, end of 2001.
- Scot Peacor
- Walking on the beach with Scott.
- Outdoor trips, 2003
- Sierras, 2002
- Travel down.
- Day 1
- Day2
- Day3
- Day4
- Day5
- Day6
- Day7
- Day8
- Travel Home
- Sierra, 2009
- Sking At Whistler, January 2002
- Cowboy Ridge.
- Rainbow Mountain (trail)
- Slesse/SW Face, July 14, 2002
- Stuart/W Ridge, July 19, 2002.
- Tooth S Face, July 10, 2003.
- Mt Triumph.
- Utah Trips
- Early
- 1997
- 1998: Escalante South, Stevens Canyon, Fold Canyon.
- 1999: Oops.
- 2000: Dirty Devil South, March of 2000
- 2001: Return to Escalante
- 2002: The Gulch and vacinity.
- 2003: Dark Canyon and Post 84.
- 2004: Long and Gravel, Silver Falls and Chop Rock, and Post 84
- No trip in 2007.
- Flying, Canyoneering, and Hiking in Utah, 2008
- Flying to Utah with Richard Critchlow
- Canyoneering with Post 84
- Solo flying and hiking
- Navajo Mountain
- Flight Home
- Utah, 2009
- Flying to Utah
- Balarny Canyon
- Loop Hike
- Maidenwater Canyon
- LA
- Flying up the Coast
- Utah, 2010
- Camp and Larry Canyon
- Not-Mindender
- Photos from Punneh
- Early trips to Utah
- Firey Furnace, Arches National Park, 1984
- Vancouver City, November 2001
- Yellow Aster Butte, December 2003
- Ski trip to Yellow Aster Butte
- The Setup
- Trip in
- First day of skiing.
- Ski day 2
- Ski out
- Cache get
- Ski trip to Yellow Aster Butte, 2008
- The Setup
- Ski In
- First Day.
- Second day
- Ski Out
- Images from the Fagg family history.
- Root list of galleries
- Images I have not been able to date or identify.
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Page last modified:
Sep 05 19:07 2010
Tom Unger