An overview of the dirty devil region. |
Map of our route. |
An overview of the country that we are going to travel through. |
Climbing out of Twin Corral Box canyon. |
Andrew toping out of the climb. |
Andrew in a sea of rocks. |
Day hiking in Larry's canyon. This day had a very fall feeling. |
The rim of upper Larry's canyon and the slot we went and explored. |
Down in the slot. |
Full body stem to get around a chock stone. |
Andrew in the sand stone swirls at the head of the canyon. |
We walked through this tilted slot for several hundred feet. |
Subway. |
Finishing the 3rd rappel. |
Cathedral. |
View of Robber's Roost from near the rim. |
Butterfinger powered our trip. |
Crossing the Dirty Devil for the second time. |
Andrew checks the map as a strom approaches. |
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