Gallery: HomeEarl
(Click on thumbnail for larger image)
The livingroom in evening light. |
The livingroom viewed from the loft. |
Our bedroom. |
The massage room. |
The office that we work in.
From the door, Marie working at her computer |
My work space. |
Our shared workspace, and the desk that I built. |
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Marie building her kayak.
Marie proped the kayak up to pour epoxy into the end. Then she found out that the end was getting hot so she flooded it with water. |
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Office remodel.
When I set up our office I put all the computers below the desk.
This got to be very noisy. So I decided to move them into the
closet and close the door on them.
Closet without the computers. |
Closet with the computers. |
Dinner club.
After having several potlucks our neighbor Mike noticed that every monday the men
where home while the women worked and we should cook dinner for them. And so we did.
Mike and Paula set a very beautiful table for us. |
Mike, Gina, and Steve. |
Every one but me. |
Now everyone but Mike. |
Marie makeing Creps for me. Julia supervising. |
Heat rising from the creps. |
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Boat work, Spring 2001
Marie sanding the boat in preparation for varnish. |
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Page last modified:
Sep 05 19:07 2010
Tom Unger