Gallery: Outdoors_1991
(Click on thumbnail for larger image)
Redout High route with Richard and Steve, 1991 (I think).
Richard and Steve make contact. |
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Tweedsmuir Park in British Columbia with Richard, 1991.
Richard in a canoe. |
Richard under a canoe. |
The two of us in the high country. |
Richard on the way out. |
Went to Utah in the fall of 1992 with Richard and Emily
Emily in the southwest. |
Richard and I play leap frog in the basin and range country. |
It was cold in the evenings. |
We cooked burgers a couple nights. |
A Climb of Glacier Pk in January of 1992.
at 10,000 ft on Glacier Peak, January 1992. |
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Sierra with Richard and Steve, 1993
Steve in a meadow (Richard in the background). |
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Page last modified:
Sep 05 19:07 2010
Tom Unger