Gallery: Outdoors_1995
(Click on thumbnail for larger image)
Summer of 1995,
this is the year I started the mountaineers climbing course.
Holly rapelling from the base of the Great Gendarm on Stuart's north ridge. Peter and I are standing on ledge below, waiting for John Runs-It-Out O'Neal to come lead the scary ice filled gullies. Aug 1995 |
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Climbing in Mexico and Cascades, Winter and spring of 1996
Approaching the summit of La Malinchia, about 14,000 ft. |
Me on the summit of La Malinchia. |
The climbers hut at 14,000 ft on Pico De Orazaba. |
Approaching the summit of Orazaba. |
Me on the summit of Orazaba. |
Peter on the summit of Orazaba. |
Me standing by the cross on the summit. |
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Back in the cascades.
Susan and I on the summit of Lundin (Washington Cascades), Spring 1996. |
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At this point, in the summer of 1996, I did a long kayak trip in Alaska.
The photos are available in the
trip journel.
Kristen and me in the Windrivers and Tetons, August, 1996
Us at Jackass Pass with Pingora and WolfsHead to my left. |
Kristen climbing in the Cirq Of The Towers, Wind rivers. |
Kristen nears summit of Wolfs Head, Wind Rivers. |
Kristen on summit of Grand Teton. |
Me and Kristen on summot of Grand Teton. |
Kristen on summit of Grand Teton. |
Myself on the Exum Route, Grand Teton. |
Myself on the summet of the Grand Teton. |
Back in the Cascades
Myself, finishing the Ice Cream Scoup roof at Index, fall 1996 |
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Rober's Roost Canyons in Utah, March 1997
This gallery comes from photos taking during Andrew and my trip to
Utah in March of 1997 to do a technical loop hike through canyon country.
The complete photos and text are at in the
Robber's Roost Journel
Lunch break on bench. We crossed the river, camped in the canyon across the way (Box?), climbed out of it, then crossed the table land off the left edge of the photo. Note the sandstone domes. |
Climbing out of Box Canyon. |
Andrew tops out. |
Trees still bare, dry creek has salt deposits. |
We came to a dead end with a pool and a wet crack beyond, which andrew wanted to climb past. |
We rappelled down into the head of the canyon. |
The interesting swerls gave way to tight narrows. |
Further down we came across numberous chock stones. We would lower the packs then chimbney down. |
In one spot we walked for several hundred yards in a tilted slot. |
After the 4th rappell we took a break then explored up the side canyon seen here. |
We took a rest day. |
Butterfinger product shot. |
Last bit of the trip was across the table land back to car. We walked part of the way that evening, then camped and got stormed on. |
End of the trip, back at the car. |
Climbing in Peru, June, 1997
Breakfast at our B&B. |
Trek before climbing. |
Base camp. |
Peter at top of crux on Ishinca. |
Myself on the summit of Ishinca. |
More ice on Ishinca. |
Toclearahu high camp. |
Ice blocks on Toclearahu. |
Myself on summit of Toclearahu. |
How Peru looed through my sun glasses. |
Cascade climbs, summer 1997 through 1998
Andrew, Jason, and Marie at the Rabit Ears on Glacier Peak. |
Andrew, Patrick, and Edie bivi before climbing NW buttress of Mt Goodie. |
Andrwe on summit of Mt Goodie. |
Mountaineers intermediate student at rock II. |
Andrew in the high enchantments on our way up Little Anapurna, January of 1998. |
On the summit of Little Anapurna. |
Marie approaching the summit of High Priest, June, 1998 |
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Escalanti South, March of 1998
In 1998 Marie joined Andrew and I for a trip in the canyons east of the
Escalanti river. No journal yet.
Approching the confluence of Coyote canyon and the Escalanti. |
Hiking in Steven's canyon. |
Andrew crossing the creek. |
An arch that we passed under. |
Leading a pitch to get out of Steven's canyon. |
Camp on the top of Water Pocket fold. |
Hiking back down into the canyons. |
As we were leaving this camp this sheep came and posed for us. |
Me. |
Marie. |
Andrew. |
Crossing a ledge. |
Rock passed on the way down into Fools canyon. |
Nearing Fools canyon. |
A pool in Fools canyon. |
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In the fall of 1998 Andrew, Lorna, Marie, and I went to the Sierras
for some hiking and climbing. A description and photos are in my
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Page last modified:
Sep 05 19:07 2010
Tom Unger