Carol Unger, 1931 - 2003

Motherhood: Tom

In 1963 Carol and Al had their first child: me, Tom Unger.

My baby picture

Carol still boating


Carol and Tom

This naturally involved trips to their parents to show me off:

Ed Koonmen, Carol's father

Carol, Al, and me in Koonmen livingroom.

For the first 3 or 4 years of my life we continued to live in the Manderson townhouse. Many of the photos from this time show items I remember from my childhood, some of which I or Kate now have.

Tom and Carol. Kate has the chair seen in background.

Carol. Back of director chair peaking over her shoulder. Kitchen behind.

Al and Tom. My playpen. I have a wall mounted version of the hanging lamp. Easy chair, now gone.

Cousin Cheryl at Palmer Park. This was a short walk from our townhouse. I remember playing on the painted balance beam and painted tire in the background. There were also ducks on springs near by.

Carol and Tom

Carol on a camping trip.

(See the complete set of images in the 1960's gallery.)

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Page last modified:  Feb 22 16:19 2010  by  Tom Unger