Weather: Clear AM. Some high clouds in the
mid afternoon. Clear PM.
Paddle: XXX to Cuttle islits off the Acous
Alarm at 6 am. Joseph is up and sees a bear across
the channel. It is a huge black bear, about 200 ft away, foraging along
the shoreline on the other side of the channel. It is beautiful to watch.
It knows we are here and sniffs the air in our direction and squints at
us. Twice it makes to cross the channel but is turned back by Joseph's
moderate yells.
Bear on other side of channel.
Packing quick to catch the tide.
Dragging boats through shallows.
Marie in the morning light.
We pack and are in our boats by 7:30, but still
have to drag them across some shallows. We stop by the herring shoal.
The sharks are now swimming around off to the side. I see up to 12 at
one time. Joseph said that the herring may be in to spawn and maybe the
sharks know that.
We cross several large stretches of water today
and pass over many large shoals of herring In some ways each shoal operates
like a single organism. It eats brine shrimp and produces larger bio-mass
in multiple processing units. Running across so many shoals of herring
just paddling a straight line through the area gives me an appreciation
for how abundant life in these waters is.
We land in the Bunsbies and get out for a break.
After being in shore a short while we hear then see a large whale in the
kelp beds which we just paddled through. It passes very close to another
party of paddlers and we are all very jealous. Joseph said that he heard
the whale several times but thought it was water in a rock.
We leave the Bunsbies, cross an inlet, and enter
Battle bay where we stop in a large fresh water stream. We paddle into
the stream and land on it's gravel shore. Here we all wash ourselves and
I wash several items of clothing.
Washing in the fresh water.
Paddling up stream to get pure fresh water for drinking.
Back where the river flows into the sea.
From there we paddle to the head of the Acouse peninsula
and the Cuttle islands. We pass a couple on their way over to the Bunsbies.
Then we see a larger grouped camped at the top of a nice beach. We check
out a couple beaches and choose a camp on one of the outer islands.
The Acous islands.
Our camp on an outer island.
Weather: Clear then fog and S wind by noon.
Paddle: Day paddle.
We see several bear on the Acouse peninsula. First
there is an adult munching in the salal on a point. Further on we see
another adult scrambling up a rock ramp - possibly startled from the sea
shore by our passing. Later, we see the first adult napping on a log.
When we make some noise a cub's head pops up from behind. I touch on the
shore to get as close of a picture as I can. The mother looks at me, but
does not look concerned.
Mother bear and cub.
Joseph caught a large lincod just off the camp. They smoked it that
Our camp in the fog.
Large plans from some old barge washed up on the sea side of the
Looking out at foggy islands.