Flight - 11/04/04 - Local tour in the Cub.

After a couple solo practice sessions in the cub I'm ready to take a passenger and Howard volunteered. Marie came down and took these photos of us getting in the cub and starting the plane.

Checking the log

Howard with flashlight and pee bottle

Hand proping.

Closing the windows for warmth.

And ready to go.

We flew east to some open fields northeast of Belleview where I practiced some gentle Lazy 8s. Then we followed the Berk-Gillman trail around to the north end of Lake washington, flew over north Seattle and spotted his house. There were a couple helecopters hovering over Aurora so I returned to Boeing Field by lake Union. I don't usually come this way because I don't much like flying over the congested downtown area. That said, threading between the space needle and downtown privides great views.

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