Howard Mills
I really wanted to take Howard, Marie's father, down the coast to Tillamook
but the weather did not permit. Instead I decided to to to McMinnville
and the Evergreen Air Museum there. As it was, we had to wait several
hours in the morning for clouds to lift allowing VFR flight down I-5 corridor,
past Portland and on to McMinnville. At 10:30 the briefer said the worst
weather was right around is at Boeing field. It was good enough for me
so we were off. The clouds were a bit lower than expected but we were
generally able to cruise at 1,500ft. This was the furthest away from Seattle
that I've flown. Previously I've been down to Kelso. Even with the marginal
weather I was comfortable flying to there because I knew what was around
and ahead. Once past Kelso it was all new territory and I found myself
more apprehensive. Knowing a route makes it easier to fly it.
Howard knows a lot more about aviation history than I do. He grew up
in Davis, southern California. One summer he worked on a fire crew for
a man who ferried his crew around in small airplanes. He took a couple
flight lessons in a Aero Coup (aka Euro Coup I believe) but quickly realized
that he could not afford it. This when planes were renting at $6.00/hour.
In the early 50's he moved to Seattle and quickly got a job working at
Boeing in the machine shop. He spent a lot of time making wing splices
for the B-52. Boeing originally contracted these out but the suppliers
could not provide a consistent supply so Boeing brought production back
in-house. Howard said that he thinks the engineers were very anxious about
being able to build enough splice fittings to construct airplanes but
that none of this bothered him, he was very happy to be working in the
machine shop building things.
Heading to Museum. The FBO called a free shuttle for us.
Baby Great Lakes. Enjoying the responsiveness of the C-150s I'm
interested in small planes and they don't get much smaller than
A Steerman. I've hear a lot about these. What most impressed me
was that with a 450HP engine it still only had a top speed of about
150 knots.
The nose of the Spruce Goose.
The museum has many docents, mostly older men. I think that most of these
men either flew in or worked on the historic airplanes in the exhibit.
The Spruce Goose dominates the collection. It is hard to appreciate just
how large this airplane is. The building must have been designed around
the Spruce Goose. It pretty much fills the museum from nose to tail and
wing tip to wing tip. Underneath and around it there is space for about
20 other airplanes and not all of these are small airplanes. One is the
Blackbird, which when I saw it in the Seattle Museum seemed huge. Here
it nestles under the wing of the Goose.
A Curtis Jenny with most of the airframe exposed.
A CD-3. These were before my time, but something about the shape
of the nose still epitomizes how a working airplane should look.
At 3:30 we had seen enough airplanes and got the shuttle back to the
airport. I called the McMinnville flight service. When I mentioned that
I was at the airport they chided me for not stopping by for a in-person
briefing. I've always called the FSS and have been told that since 9/11
it is difficult to get access to the buildings. They were very friendly
and showed me their briefing stations. It is somewhat old technology,
but they can bring up the useful information quickly with a button press.
The route looked good except for a 1,500 ft layer at Toledo, half way
up the I-5 corridor.
From McMinnville to the Columbia we passed over some beautiful farmland.
Looking west I could see across the coast range where it looked partially
At one place I spotted a plane very low over the tree tops. I couldn't
figure out what it was doing so low. It flew a couple hundred feet over
some buildings. Perhaps an ultra-light? Then it lined up and landed on
a grass strip fringed by gliders. It was a glider on approach for landing.
This really amazed me: it traveled so far loosing so little altitude.
Howard back at the plane.
North of McMinnville some beautiful farm land.
Nearing the Columbia it is more hilly.
Howard and Tom.
From Toledo up to Puget Sound I let Howard fly the plane.
Coming into mid-puget sound.
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