Gallery: DarkC03 Part 3
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Day 7: Down Lean To Canyon.
In the morning we woke to clear skys and a light dusting of snow. I walked around and took pictures... |
Breakfast. We had eggs and potatoes - one of the more successful breakfasts. |
Tree with snow. |
Snow on benches. |
Joe scouting a route and Lean To canyon narrows. |
Tunnel arch. |
An example of Eolian Faces (sp?) in the Ceder Mesa sand stone. |
Hiking down Lean To was some what difficult going. Mostly rough terrain with occasional obstacles like this pool. |
We camped on some ledges above the canyon floor. |
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Day 8: Back to Dark canyon and up the Sundance Trail.
Nice walking. |
Ancient water ripples. |
Group. |
Joe pumping water. |
The big drop off. |
We hiked a ledge trail all the way to dark canyon in the distance. |
Joe and Sean. |
Looking up the Sundance trail. This is not so bad, nothing compared to climbs in the cascades. - we were up it in 40minutes. |
Joe at end of trip. |
We stopped an hour from the car and spent a final night out. Very clear and cold night. |
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Day 9: Short walk back to car (for some of us).
Final walk to car. |
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Us at our reunion dinner. Joe lives in Spokane so could not make it. |
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Ancient Wonders we saw on this trip.
Hiking through some open forest with sandy ground Elizabeth discovered some pottery
shards on the ground. When we started looking around the were all over a 40 ft area.
Shards on sandy ground. |
Shards were either the coil work on left or black and white design on right. |
Some of the larger pieces |
Pottery shard seen edge on. |
Next we encountered this small dwelling
Under a deep cliff we found this well preserved dwelling. |
Closer view of the wall. Notice the sticks coming out the top. |
Interior. Notice the channels worn in the sandstone. |
Another view of the wall. |
Marie framed the dwelling with this tree. I thought it was a good picture and did my own framing of it. |
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Several caches and remnants of a pit house.
A well preserved cache - the first we saw. |
How well it can be hidden. |
Scratchings on the wall above the cache. |
Ancient Anazazi kindling. |
Close up. |
I then found this cache around the corner |
Then I came to this. After finding the previous two I recognized it as a cache, though it is much more weathered. |
Further on we came to a pit house with another cache on a ledge in the cliff above. |
The wall was too steep to comfortably climb so we dropped a rope from above and hauled our selves up. |
Looking down on the pit house. |
Joe by broken wall of cache. |
Cache interior. |
Pottery shards we found. |
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Nearby we found some petroglyphs.
Near by petroglyph, Right side panel. |
A little blurry from low light. |
Left side panel. |
Detail. |
Under an unlikely overhang Elizabeth came across these fragments of a pot.
Elizabeth took better pictures than I did. |
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Page last modified:
Sep 05 19:07 2010
Tom Unger