US To Canada
- File US to Canada port of entry flight plan
- Border crossing Squak Code:
- Canadian Customs appointment 1-888-CAN-PASS
- Time:
- Agent Name:
- Station:
- Declaration Report Number:
- File in-Canada flight plan.
- Fly to Canadia.
- Open flight plan imedialy.
- Border crossing Squak Code:
- Close plan.
- Before landing with FSS: 126.7
- After landing, ask tower.
- Or call FSS: Kamloops 1-866-WX-Brief (1-866-992-7433)
- Clear Customs
- Taxi to Customs office.
- Call 1-888-CAN-PASS (1-888-226-7277) and inform them of your arrival.
- Get Customs Report Number:
- Enter Customs report number in your log book.
- Victoria
- Within 2 hours of arrival, Call 1-800-987-2633 to get a squawk code.
- Landing: Close flight plan, taxi to customs.
- Departure:
- Call Victoria Clearance,
- Call ground for taxi,
- Call inner tower for takeoff,
- Be ready with outer tower and Victoria Clearance frequencies.
Canada To US
- File Canada to US flight plan with Canadian FSS Kamloops 1-866-WX-BRIEF (1-866-992-7433).
- File ONLY for the border-crossing leg.
- Ask about your border-crossing squawk-code:
- Squawk-Code:
- Contact U.S. Customs at your chosen AOE and make an appointment.
Include aircraft type and registration, commander's name, depature point, arrival airport, number of us citizens, number of alians, estimated time.
- Update your arrival time by contacting an FSS, either by phone or radio.
- Set your border-crossing squawk-code.
- If you haven't gotten your border-crossing squawk-code call Canadian ATC IFR Flight Planning at 1-888-987-2633 and request one. Even if you are flying VFR.
- Squawk-Code:
- Take off, and IMMEDIATELY open your flight plan if necessary. Canadian flight plans seem to assume takeoff times, and will be opened automatically.
- Land at your AOE (Airport of Entry) and taxi to U.S. Customs
- Close your flight plan:
FSS radio or Call 1-800-WX-Brief
- If you are more than 15 minutes late or early, gingerly call local U.S. Customs.
- Have documentation:
- A US Custom's form.
- Pilot certificate and medical.
- Passenger citizen documentation
- Aircraft registration
- Custom's decal