Route: Mt. Stuart/Razorback Ridge Climbed: Aug 1997 Equipment: Ice axe, crampons, standard rack. Jurisdiction: Alpine Lakes Wilderness Map: USGS Mt. Stuart. References: Cascade Alpine Guide I, pp 278. Approach: From the end of the North Fork of the Teanaway River Road hike to the north end of Ingals lake, circling the lake on the W side. Camp in the meadows below the outlet (camping not allowed at lake). Could be buggy. From the meadow make a rising traverse to Stuart Pass Ridge then ascend a climber's trail up the ridge toward Stuart. Drop left off the ridge and cross the basin to Goat pass at 7,600 ft. Good bivi sites, no water. Traverse to the base of Razorback ridge, in the middle of the Stuart Glacier, just right of the Stuart Glacier coulior. Scramble up the first 50 ft or so. Climbing Route: The first pitch works over blocks and into a right; facing corner. The second pitch climbs this corner. There are three vertical steps to this corner. The third step is the crux of the route and starts with a hard 5.8 (5.9?) off-width which then eases a bit and constricts to fist then hand crack. Can be protected by small nuts in crack to the right. Above the climbing varies with most pitches having some solid mid 5th class steps in them. Stray left of the crest for easier climbing on slabs or right for steep face climbing with nauseating exposure. Excellent bivi ledge on 7th pitch can squeeze up to 4 climbers. After 11 full pitches, top out just west of the West Ridge Notch. Good bivi sites round here. Follow the west ridge route to the summit in 5 more pitches. About 16 pitches total. Peer down on the route and ponder how anything so steep could be called a ridge. Descent: Scramble to the false summit. Descend the steep snow then keep right and keep right again through sparse trees to enter the Cascadian coulior. From the base, hiking west on Ingals Cr. trail a short distance will bring you to a fork. The left crosses Ingals Cr. for an escape over Long's Pass. The right leads back to Ingals lake. Elevation: Trailhead to base of route: 3,500', Base to Summit: 1,600'; Time: Seattle to trailhead 2.5 hours. Trailhead to base camp 3 hours. Base camp base of route 3 hours. Base to summit 10 hours. Summit to Ingals Cr. trail 2.5 hours. Back to base camp 1 hour. Comments: This route is climbed once for every 50 ascents of the North Ridge. It is longer, harder, and less aesthetic. But don't let that put you off: it provides interesting, challenging climbing on very good rock, in a beautiful setting. [Route description written by Tom Unger]